Friday 18 October 2013

First copy of script

The Ouija Deal
Cast List:
Ashleigh Minihane
Emily Power
Remi Martinelli
Louise Orme
Lois May Shipwright
James Nugent
Owen Nganga

Film company logo – Sombre Productions
Ashleigh lifts down the Ouija board box, blows dust off
Brings game out to campfire in garden, greeted by circle of friends

Ashleigh: Shall we play this one last time?

Everyone cheer (sound)/Shots of the characters cheering- close ups
Title Page:
Pan shot around the circle  (sound): whispering/breath- fast/quick shot
Camera lingers on Ashleigh
Demon: Ashleighhhhh
Slow motion shot of them playing, then fast shot of Ashleigh pulling away
POV shot of Ashleigh’s hand (Ouija symbol in blood) Owen in shot
Fast pace reaction shots of characters emotions

Emily: What the hell’s just happened?
James: Screw this!
Long shot of Owen picking the board up, close up of him throwing it in fire
camera lingers on the Ouija board burning
Title Page: DON’T YOU SEE…
Ashleigh moves box ready to pack and Ouija board is inside (focussing on the Ouija board, everything else blurred) (sound) dramatic boom
Shot of James and Ashleigh in her room, she leaves, and then James gets pushed by an unseen force
Extreme close up of the wound that is created
Dust cloud appears as Ashleigh leans down; the dust represents the ‘demon’
Fast paced and quick cut shots…
1)      Louise racing through forest, over the shoulder shot of her scared expression

2)      Remi covered in blood looking possessed- zoom out from her eyes which are crying blood

3)      Owen tied to a chair, struggling to get out- long shot

4)      Emily in a dark room, her face is the only thing you can see. A blood drop falls on her forehead and she looks up

5)      Lois hiding behind a tree. She peers round and you see Ashleigh in a long shot.

(sound) dramatic and intense music, full of suspense… ends with a scream
(The Ouija Deal logo)
A close up of a hand, wounded and covered in blood, on the floor. Camera actually on the ground.
Ashleigh’s feet in the back ground as she turns and walks away.
Title Page: In Cinemas October 31st

Thursday 10 October 2013


Film title ideas

We came up with five different film title ideas and each asked 10 people each, which title they liked the most. This was my tally of the people I asked and The Ouija Deal was the most popular name, and Persevere was the least successful. Charli and Lois also had more people liking The Ouija Deal film title than any of the others, so we therefore decided that this would be the title of the film. Also, this fitted well with our idea for our storyline and plot so we were pleased that this was the most popular.

Emerson Quinn horror photography

I found this image particularly useful for our movie trailer. The angle of the shot is interesting because the way the girl is looking up makes it seem scary as her eyes seem 'possessed'.Also, the blood on the girls arms makes it seem as though something horrific has happened but the cause of this is unknown here. We want to try to recreate this because our trailer will not necessarily reveal the reasons behind the injuries that the characters will sustain. This image really helps us for ideas on how to do not only wounds, but also what types of shots we could use to create the horror style movie that we want.